I bought Classic Bike Guide as I thought it was a very good idea to have a lightweight guide; i.e. 125cc bikes.
I started riding in May 1977 on an SS50ZB2 Honda. In the 1990s I rode a Norton Rotary followed by a 1991 Trophy 900 triple, which I have not ridden in 15 years!
Well, I downsized to a new 2006 350 Royal Enfield, added a Vespa PX125, two CZs, six Neval Minsk 125ccs, then an SS50, CB200 (again!), and now a Yam RS125DX is heading my way.

Too many injuries picked up along my working career have seen to this!
You say that there are three 125cc buying guides, but will you do a ‘Commie Cruiser’ article? I suspect not – shame, just think how left-field (tee-hee) a CZ125 / 175, MZ 125/150, Neval 125 buyer’s guide, addition to the main series would be!
Now that Japanese 125 guide had the usual errors slipped in, deliberately I suspect to see if the readership are awake?

For instance, the first Yamaha RS125 to have a disc was in 1976, not 1977; the Suzuki GP125 and 100 were made for a lot longer than 1978-81, in fact 1989 for the 125 and at least 1993 forthe 100 according to a 1993 Haynes manual.
The initial GP125 road tests and bikes like mine all had disc front stoppers; that photo shows a foreign market drum-equipped model complete withodd rear mudflap, never seen here I believe!
However, my mate bought an early GP100 identical to my 125 but with solid paint, not metallic as on the 125.
There was also an option in this country of a drum braked silver painted (not chrome) mudguarded GP100 as well!
The comment about the CB200 disc front brake being a not good cable job also should apply to the KH125 Kawasaki, (lovely looker!) but it’s praised for it!

You mention Yamaha’s RS200, but there was a competitor to it, the Suzuki SB200. What about the Suzuki X5 200 – just slips into the end of the 1970s and worth a look.
The comment under Suzuki GT125 about its disc brake not working in the wet applies to all of them at that time; modern brake materials mean that comment does not apply at all today (except on my CB200 Honda which has 4800 miles from new so still has the original disc pad!) Dave Silver is right about the small Honda twins, I have owned a C95E, CB175 and CB200 models.
I bought my CB200 because it has an electric start, is ultralight and slim and they are very affordable. I would warn that the centrestand is bloody difficult if you have a bad back (the Enfield 350 is a pleasure – much easier!), however there is a sidestand.
Chris Drucker
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