There are models and then there are models. These two examples of a couple of the most legendary British bikes are incredible – seeing them I’m lost for words.
The attention to detail, the finish and the sheer size of them are beautiful and would look great in any display case or on any mantelpiece.
The number of spokes, type of brakes and fittings are correct; even the number of fins.

To get the BSA just right, VMB went to Phil Pearson, Gold Star expert, who looked at the first few prototypes and offered advice and observations on how to get them exactly correct for the period.
With the Triumph, Kev and Cliff at Ace Classics were asked to review the model, making sure everything was as should be. In fact, it is based on a bike in their showroom, but with the European tank and handlebars fitted.

1:6th scale means these models are around 13 inches long – they’re very imposing.
They are made from resin, which is easier to use for limited-batch runs than die-cast.
The hoses and cables are then put on after the paint is applied.
The wheels turn, but due to way they are built, the sidestand doesn’t come down, so they are screwed to a bike stand for safety.

At £300 each, you really don’t want them falling over!
Only limited numbers of these are being made, do if you’re interested, have a look at the website.
Read more News and Features in the November 2019 issue of Classic Bike Guide –on sale now!