As an AMC anorak I was pleased to see you had included the Matchless G15/45 in your British Bike Guide in the June issue, these are indeed very nice bikes to ride and I have one from each batch of 1962/63 model years, but some of the rest of the AMC guide left a little to be desired.
In the M20/G9 section you say that the “… ‘jampot’ rear suspension was replaced by Gang units…” What on earth are Gang units?
In the Model 8/G5 section you say: “They provide a better ride than the early 250 Model 16 (Matchless G3)…” This should of course be M14 (Matchless G2).

The M16/G3 section should have read: “69 x 93mm until 1962 then 74 x 81mm then 1964 on 72×85.5mm”. Similarly, the M18/G80 section should have read “82.5 x 93mm until 1964, then 86 x 85.5mm”.
The BSA B33 article also stated that: “In 1959, like BSA, AMC ditched their magneto and generator set up for an alternator/points arrangement” on their M18/G80 models – it was 1958.
James Haynes
Thanks James, no excuses! Matt
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