I’m not as deeply into motorcycles as I once was and I plan to let all subs other than Motorcycle Classics expire, but I check all the Brit mags when I get to Barnes & Noble.
I’ve never had one, but I still retain an undiminished weakness between the ears for the Bullet, so on my last visit I snatched your February issue without looking twice.
It seems there are people of low character everywhere – on the phone, on the internet, in the mailbox at the end of my drive, who would eagerly take advantage of the elderly, and now there’s you.

Good job, this issue is a keeper. My knee still remembers my SR500 from decades ago, but I know who has a Bullet without a strong attachment.
And I’m feeling vulnerable. No beer for me ’til I recover. Or fail.
Dana Shifflett
McLains, Kansas (kay-yan-zuzz, subtly, without moving the jaw)
(RAF Mildenhall, 84-86)
Read more Letters, Opinion, Reviews, News and Features in the May 2019 issue of CBG – on sale now!