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Yamaha YR5: The 350 that humbles giants
In the late 1960s, something significant happened in the design offices of Japanese motorcycle manufacturers. They worked out how to make motorcycles look modern.
Yamaha TZR125: Teenage dreams can come true
Sweet dreams were made of these… Yamaha did its best to find something that would comply with UK learner laws and also comply with the complex wants and dreams of teenagers.
Massimo Tamburini – a personal appreciation of the progettista par excellence
Massimo Tamburini, who died 10 years ago in April 2014 aged 70, was the progettista par excellence, the leader of the virtuosi who define the motorcycles we ride today. Those who have followed his lead in shaping the evolution of two-wheeled design and have continued to do so since he left us – figures like Miguel Angel Galluzzi, Pierre Terblanche, Gerald Kiska and Adrian Morton, and the younger generations who have followed in Tamburini’s tyre tracks – owe a debt of inspiration to the designers’ designer.
AJS Model 18: Falling for a 500 single
Would you take back an ex? In this issue, Stuart Urquhart, Classic Bike Guide’s finder and reporter of fine Scottish classics, bumps into his old AJS Model 18 and takes it home. But not all that glitters is gold…