I enjoyed the recent article about the Suzuki B120, I have owned one for three years and love it.
I had the engine rebuilt by Martin at Slipstream Tuning and have bought many items on eBay, including NOS hubs, carb covers and wing mirrors.
Over the winter I will rebuild the wheels with stainless steel spokes.

Motorcycling Monthly of June 1977, did a 10,000km test and anybody from the office could use the bike and in one particular week clocked up 2000 miles, one trip to Exeter, Plymouth, Oakhampton and back to London.
Next was a trip to York and back; South Wales and back; then the bike was ridden to Ramsgate, Dover, Brighton and back to London – all without failing once.
A big shout out to the boys at Battlesbridge Motorcycle Museum for their advice.
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